Exercise #2 - Morphology

1     Grid
  • Standard x,y grid in background
  • Circular Grid from bottom right in mid-ground
  • Diagonal grid in front
2     Colors
  • Black & white in background
  • Warm colors in front
    • Yellow
    • Orange
    • Red
3     Type
  • Cubano, San Serif Type
4     Shapes
- a   Circular (soft)
  • Circle in mid-ground and foreground
- b   Triangular (pointed)
  • Triangular shapes in foreground
- c   Square (stable)
  • Square in background
5     Lines
  • No lines
6     Composition
- a   Dynamic
  • Objects and shapes cropped off the edges
- b   Tension - Repulsion
  • Objects and shapes cropped off the edges
  • Harsh bright colors right against high contrasted black and white image
7     Space
- a   Positive
  • Most of the space is positive space, a lot of elements combatting for the space
  • Bottom and Right spaces are heavily filled
- b   Negative
  • Top and part of left side has black and grey negative spaces
8     Background (Ground)
  • Grey full background
  • Black & White square image
9   Border
  • Grey background creates a partial border
10   Bleed
  • Bleed on right and bottom sides
11   Movement
- a   Vectors
  • Brightly colored abstract shapes in foreground create movement along the grid
- b   Other
  • Image in background and in mid-ground are cropped off the edge, creating movement